Category Archives: system

China’s corruption-busting

Is China’s corruption-busting AI system ‘Zero Trust’ being turned off for being too efficient? Despite being restricted to just 30 counties and cities, the artificial intelligence system has already helped snare 8,721 officials System cross-references big data to evaluate the … Continue reading

Posted in Artificial intelligence, China, Chinese, countries, Country, Court, data, Government, judiciary, law enforcement, President, system, Technology, World Cultures | Leave a comment

AI Intelligent segmentation Segment (3)

AI Intelligent segmentation Segment (3) In addition to supervised learning, unsupervised learning will be particularly useful in helping banks distinguish between typical banking behavior and potentially suspicious activity. One of the most promising AI techniques to do so is called … Continue reading

Posted in Artificial intelligence, behavior, Global, historically, intelligent, parameters, segmentation, system, World Cultures | Leave a comment

Henrietta Swan Leavitt

Henrietta Swan Leavitt 1868, Lancaster, Massachusetts- 1921, Cambridge, Massachusetts), age 53 She was an American astronomer known for her discovery of the relationship between period and luminosity in Cepheid variables, pulsating stars that vary regularly in brightness in periods. She … Continue reading

Posted in American, Astronomer, galaxies, History, system | Leave a comment